Improve Brain Function
The two Sides of the brain have different capabilities and strengths. Left Brain: Processes facts, language, and details; sees the...

The Other Person is You!
White Tantric 2019 The other Person is you! My husband and I attend Kundalini Yoga practitioners, teachers and senior teachers in Toronto...

This Powerful Path
To me , Kundalini yoga and meditation is a powerful path to awaken, change and transform. Kundalini yoga helps me in my life to make the...

Infinite Beauty
Discover the beauty, vitality and awakening all around you this Spring! We are ready for spring awakenings aren't we?!!!!! Connection,...

Love is Greater Than Fear
It is hard to live in a world where so many people deny their own hearts and souls each and every day out of fear. Whether it be love or...

Golden Milk magic
Golden Milk can be your nightly ritual. The mixture of milk, turmeric, and honey, topped with almond oil, has been a wonderful nightly...

Heads Up on Head Coverings
Giving the Heads Up on wearing a head covering in Kundalini Yoga! I’ve found that many people have been curious as to why we cover our...