Do you allow yourself enough downtime to just be with yourself?The Brow is is the command center, the base of the sixth chakra. Observer...

Unleash Your Highest Potential And Create The Life Of Your Dreams." You can find your true identity within yourself. Nobody can find it...

Present Moment
Yoga and meditation join all the parts of you in the present moment so that the mind stills and the light of the soul can pour forth...

Do you feel it? Are you noticing life situations arise not allowing you to stay in your comfort zone? These experiences that might be...

The Path of Devotion
The path.... See the Divine in everything when you practice Bhakti, the yoga of devotion. Devotion is the gateway to Infinity. It is up...

Collective Shifts
In these times of so much collective change, keep the light shining through of love, peace, and hope in your heart.This flame is...

The Sacred Breath of Life
Many have heard of prana, but few know what this means. The prana is the most powerful and creative force in existence. It is the subtle...