The Cycles of Change
Can you feel it? Sometimes this transition can be quite chaotic, it’s as if something needs to explode to completely disassemble before...

Feeling is Healing
Life is a series of natural and spontaneous change. Don’t resist them; that only creates sorrow. Let reality be reality. Let...

Hatha Yoga
The word hatha is Sanskrit and is composed of two words, “ha” and “tha”. “Ha” means sun, which represents warm masculine energy and...

Sadhana and Sutra
The practice of Sadhana has an important meaning, which is why it's recommended to all yogis and yoginis. Through Sadhana, you open...

Sound and Mantra
Sound is one of our greatest teachers. Using ancient mantra, we are working to initiate and guide the kundalini energy to help quiet our...

The Yoga of the Aquarian Age
Kundalini Yoga is the yoga of Awareness of the Aquarian Age. Through a combination of pranayama (breathing techniques), kriyas (sets of...

I Am, I Am
I Am, I Am is my personal mantra that I have been repeating for years now. I Am LOVE, I Am Light, I Am beautiful, I am healthy, I am...