A healthful, purifying beverage
Perfect during the cold winter months, or anytime of year. Slices of fresh ginger root can be added, especially when you are suffering from cold, recovering from the flu, or just want some extra energy! This tea can be prepared in advance and stored in the refrigerator. When ready to drink, add the milk and bring to a boil, removing from the heat as soon as boiling point is reached. Add honey, to taste, and enjoy!
Yogi Tea
Original recipe by Yogi Bhajan
Put 3 quarts of water to boil. Then add:
• 20 whole cloves
• 20 whole green cardamom pods.
• 20 whole black peppercorns
• 5 sticks of cinnamon
Continue boiling for 15-20 minutes, and then add:
• tsp. of Black Tea, any kind (optional)
After two minutes add:
• cup of cold milk per cup of liquid (optional)
Bring the tea to a full boil and serve.
Nutritional Info:
Cloves: for the nervous systemCinnamon: for the bones
Black Pepper: blood purifierCardamom: for the colonMilk: aids the assimilation of the spices and avoids the irritation to the colon.
Black Tea: unify all of the ingredients, and resulting in a new chemical structure that makes this tea a healthful drink